Workshop focuses on the recent developments in the Research on autonomous vehicles (ground, aerial and underwater) and mobile robotics, as it has gained worldwide importance, primarily due to their application in hazardous and difficult-to-reach environments.
Advances in computing, sensor and peripheral technology has brought many aspects of intelligent autonomous vehicles into the realm of reality and there is an increased interest in the area.
Relevant research areas:
- Mathematical Modelling and Simulation
- Instrumentation and Control
- Estimation and Sensor Fusion
- Navigation and Guidance
- Planning and Scheduling
- Cooperative and Formation Control
- Communication System Design
- Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing
This workshop will be a platform to bring together experts from all around the world to deliberate on recent advancements in the above areas. Scientists, engineers, academicians and students interested in the field of robotics should relish this experience.
People from industry, research and educational organizations are invited for participation.
Click here for the detailed brochure of the workshop.
Find the final list of participants here.
Last date of Registration : 25th June 2014
We will acknowledge you on receiving your Application form. Final list of Registered candidates will be uploaded on website after 30th June.
Shared Accommodation will be provided in campus hostels from 5th July to 9th July 2014, at र 300 per day (it includes food and bedding charges).
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